We are using a special study Bible called the Daily Walk Bible (New Living Translation) for this journey. Reading in a different translation can help us wake up to things we haven't seen in Scripture before, or remind us of things we've forgotten about, and the New Living Translation is a great Bible for this task. The Daily Walk Bible is also compatible with a free Bible Study app called Filament, that provides additional study notes, interactive maps, and more with the scan of a page. You can learn more about the Daily Walk Bible and the Filament App in the links below.
Due to the overwhelmingly positive response to this challenge, we do not have any more Daily Walk Bibles at the church; if you would like to order one, please use the link below.
Use the links below to learn more about the challenge, and scroll down to be encouraged before you begin!
I’m glad you’ve taken up the challenge of reading through the Bible in one year. The wonderful part about reading the Bible for yourself is that you eliminate any buffers between you and the Word of God. This time is yours to spend with your heavenly Father. There’s no preacher or commentary to consider. It’s just you in communion with God.
I suggest that you set aside a specific time and a place to do this reading. It should be a quiet place, free from distractions and a time when you can consistently devote 15 minutes or so to reading and prayer. Shut off your phone, or at least put it away. This time issanctified, it is set aside for you to absorb God’s Word. For me, the morning works best. You may be a night owl and getting together with God when everyone else is asleep is best. The time of day doesn’t matter. What matters is that you meet with God each day, everyday. It will take discipline, but over time you will find it becomes an essential part of your life. You will grow to love and cherish this time as the best part of the day.
One last thing, if you miss a day’s reading don’t quit. Keep going. The only way you will not complete this journey is if you decide to quit. Keep reading, even if you don’t understand everything, you will understand something and your knowledge of God will grow.
Always begin your reading session with a prayer. Ask God to illuminate your mind as you read His word. Ask Him to teach you by His Holy Spirit. Desire that His Word would wash and renew your mind and conform you unto the perfect image of His son Jesus.