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Dear Friends at Bethel.

We trust you are staying cool in spite of the heat-wave we're experiencing. Perhaps the Lord is giving folks a little 'taste' of His Global Warming that He told us about in 2 Peter 3! We know that summer can be a very busy time with family and friends. It has been for us. So, we want you to know that we are very grateful to the Lord for you that you remember us with your faithful prayers and financial support. And we want to say "Thank You"!

Just to let you know what we're doing, here's a little update. We continue to counsel and help fellow believers to share the Gospel with their Jewish friends. You've probably noticed an increase in antisemitism not just here, but in other parts of the world as well! While it's not new, what is new is that we're seeing more who claim to be Christians, fall into the "Replacement Theology" trap. This 'theology' teaches that '"The church has replaced Israel in God's plan". You can protect yourself by understanding that God's Word is to be interpreted in a literal, grammatical and contextual manner unless the passage indicates otherwise. As a wise pastor once said, "Context is King!"

Also, our online Zoom Bible studies have continued throughout the summer. We're following Isaiah as he looks to the future when Messiah Jesus will rule and reign on Planet Earth. We look forward to that as well, don't we?

A couple of months ago, we attended our FOI International Staff Conference. It was the first one in six years due to covid. It was great seeing our colleagues from literally around the well as meeting new ones since our last conference. The Lord has blessed the ministry of The Friends of Israel. You can see and take advantage of some of the results of His faithfulness with the new evangelism and training programs mentioned in.our magazine. Just log on to

On our way home, we were able to visit and witness to our unsaved cousin in No. Carolina. We then spent a few days with our grandson Brett Newman and his family that now includes our youngest great granddaughter, Hadassah!

Well, again, thank you for your prayers and we pray you'll continue to have a blessed summer as we look "for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ." (Titus 2:13)

Gratefully yours in His Service,

Marty & Pat Wolf

The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, Inc.
