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We made it through our incredible whirlwind tour! We had 61 meetings in 42 days and 31 of those were Concerts! God provided and we now have 61% of the funds needed for our multipurpose room.

Thank you for your prayers for our health and strength especially for Ania & Kaleb. At times it wasn't easy to keep going but God would always step in at just the right moment using many of you to refresh and encourage us along the way.

Many told us that they were encouraged and their faith was strengthened through the miracles God is doing. But can I tell you? We were strengthened and encouraged by you as well. Its such a blessing to know there are soo many believers standing with us in prayer, through finances and many other ways!

Summer Schedule:

  • June 22 ------------ Polish Summer Volunteers Arrive
  • June 23-26 -------- Bike Camp
  • June 29 ------------ Open Pool Day
  • June 30 ------------ Gospel Concert in center of Łódź
  • July 6-11 ----------- Level-Up (English Camp)
  • July 13-14 --------- Open-Air in Piotrków + Gospel Concert
  • July 20-26 --------- 1st Sports Camp
  • July 27 - Aug 2 --- 2nd Sports Camp
  • Aug 4-10 ----------- Family Camp
  • Aug 11-13 ---------- Ending Summer with Volunteers

As you can see above there is a lot to do and many plans have to all come together in the next 2 weeks for this to all work well. We cannot do it without God and that is the way its supposed to be, Amen? Please pray with us that He guides every step.

We look forward to sharing God's answers to our prayers soon!