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"He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber." What a great truth that we find in Psalm 121. The Lord does not fall asleep, the one who keeps us, he does not neglect us for even a thousandth of a second. We have experienced that during our first eight weeks here in the USA. We have traveled hundreds of miles from the Midwest to the East Coast to NY State and back to Indiana and have seen the good hand of God in every step we have taken. Praise God and thank you for your prayers on our behalf!

Our family: How nice it is to enjoy family, children, and grandchildren, those we don’t see often. We have been able to see them hug and kiss them in person. We met Leona for the first time, our fourth granddaughter, she is beautiful like the other three grandchildren! We are still working on helping our daughter Jacqueline in her process to obtain a driver's license and a job. Pray for her, she now has a six-month permit and in November she will be able to have her final driver’s license. Regarding work, she has filled out many applications and has had some interviews, we pray that by next week she can find a job.

Our Furlough: So far, we have had fifteen meetings in churches and/or with Pastors or missionary committees, twelve of them on the east coast. In the coming months we have more meetings scheduled in this area and we hope to be able to schedule some more if the Lord opens the door. We apologize to the churches that we could not visit on this occasion due to lack of time. We are going to visit you on our next trip.

Our Building Project: It is a project that has a total cost of $800,000.00 dollars. The wonderful thing is that the Lord has already provided over $230,000.00! With part of that money the land was purchased, the walls of the property are being completed and we have $100,000.00 dollars left to lay the foundation. The church building will have a multipurpose room that seats four hundred people, 5 classrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, storage, entrance hall, parking lots, picnic area with a small pool for baptisms, among other things. We are working with a Christian architect in Chile, who has his own construction company, and he is doing the perimeter, the design, obtaining construction permits, etc. We thank the Lord for the blessing of having his help. The property “perimeter wall” part of the project is almost complete. We hope that by mid-July the property will be completely closed. The building permits are in process, which will take a few months, so we hope that by the end of the year we can start laying the foundations of the building. In the next few weeks, we will send you an itemized list of the project, with each cost, so that if the Lord leads you to give towards this, you can decide which one you want to cover according to your possibilities.

Our Region: There are 14,000 victims left behind by the rains and the overflow of rivers in the central area of Chile, and one of the most affected areas was precisely the area where we minister. There are small towns where literally all the houses were under water and mud. A family from our church was affected by the flood. Our congregation organized by helping them dry, clean and disinfect everything. Our church is also working together with another church in that town providing a soup kitchen that has been a great help for these families and a way to spread the good news of the gospel. If any of you feel moved to give for the purchase of food, please let us know.

Our Support: Praise the Lord we have reached 93% of our monthly support goal. We are praying for new people and churches to add to our support and prayer team. Please pray that we can raise our support to 100% before returning to Chile. If you feel moved by the Lord to give, here is our donation information.

Please send all Donations to: -

Select Click & Give (Any questions, there is a tutorial “Learn more about Click & Give)

(Please indicate that it is for Armijo, Alejandro / ARMA, you will be given a donor # to use in the future) or - Send a check (made out to: CMC)

mail to: CENTRAL MISSIONARY CLEARINGHOUSE P.O. Box 219228 Houston, Texas 77218-9228

(include a separate sheet of paper that says for Armijo, Alejandro / ARMA)

Remember to send us an email at and let us know the amount you are giving and if it is Support; monthly, yearly or a one-time gift or if it’s for the Church Project. Any questions send us an email.

Thank you so much for your friendship, prayers, and financial support during these 30 years of ministry. May the Lord bless you greatly.

Pastor Alejandro & Robyn Armijo
Leading People to the Image of Christ
Romans 8:29