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Dear Friends,

The central area of Chile, the area where we are founding the church, is facing major flooding. The rains that two months ago left thousands homeless, have intensified in recent days. It has rained in the valleys, but with more intensity in the mountains, where it usually snows, this has melted the snow from the mountains and has made the rivers grow immensely. At this moment there are cities and towns completely flooded, bridges and roads cut and several associated problems. We pray that God will have mercy on these people and that he will use us and our church in Rancagua to bring the gospel to these families.

Please consider giving us a special offering so we can buy food, diapers, medicine, etc. to go to the aid of these families and to bring them the gospel. Any monetary help will be greatly appreciated.

The time has come to say goodbye and return to Chile. We are coming to the end of our stay in the USA. We have visited most of our churches, not all. God has been good and has blessed and cared for us in the many miles we have traveled. We appreciate your prayers on our behalf, and we ask you to continue doing so and to keep us in mind this Monday, the 28th, when we fly back to Chile. May the Lord bring peace to our hearts during this time when we will be separated from our children and grandchildren.

May the Lord bless each one of you!

Pastor Alejandro & Robyn Armijo
Leading People to the Image of Christ
Romans 8:29